Honsitaisia is the name of my utopian society that I created.  In this utopian society, all people must say how they feel.  Not that they have to out of the blue but only if someone asks. 

Utopia definition:

Utopia  (juːˈtəʊpɪə) 

— n

(Sometimes not capital) any real or imaginary society, place, state, etc., considered   to be perfect or ideal

                                      Source -dictionary.com

I think one of the things that are an issue for me personally and for other people is for others not to say how they really feel and your left clueless.  I find it really frustrating when I can’t tell how people feel because they’re really hard to read.  The solution? People say how they really feel and no one judges them for it. 

Someone could create a utopian society for a few reasons.  In my opinion the best reason to create one would be because they were unhappy with the current situation that they were living in so they decided to eliminate everything that created controversy and unhappiness.  

My utopian society is different from the current society we live in because there would be no guessing about people feelings towards you. 

With in every society there has to be rules.  The base 7 rules though are as follows:

1.     Everyone must not be untruthful about how they feel if a person asks

2.     If no one asks how they feel they are not obligated to say anything

3.     No one can judge a person in anyway unless it’s for a good reason such as university application or something of that sort. 

4.     Everyone must be kind

5.     Everyone must do at least one team and one individual sport because doing activity releases endorphins and makes people feel better.

6.     There will be a limit on the amount of alcohol ingested because the messed up judgment could create altercations. 

7.     All wealthy people/families will pair up with a family with less money to keep them afloat to reduce unhappy feelings.


My name is Gemma Jenkins, I’m 16 years old and I’m from district 3.  I have one brother named Jamal Jenkins and we are twins.  I have one really good friend and her name is Delilah Deneer.  I have lots of other friends but no one like Delilah.   
Along with my twin brother Jamal, we work on the hovercrafts.  It is one of the higher paying jobs in the district so it makes it possible for us to live comfortably in district 3.  

I’m not to shy, and I’m pretty out going.   I’m friendly yet very cautious and I am very attentive so I don’t miss much. I am very good at not missing things that happen I very good at remembering things.  I am often shocked of how unaware the other kids my age are of everything going on around them.  

I sometimes get the question of how I feel about the capital.  I answer is always the same, I don’t like the capital but I can’t do anything about them.  Plus I don’t want to ruin my own or the people I love lives.  So I’m stuck doing what the capital says for now.   

Never before in my life have I needed someone as much as a needed my best friend Nisha.  We were walking along a dirt road in Africa. We were leaning on each other for support both emotionally and physically.  Were got separated from our group on a safari and Nisha was familiar with the area but still it all looked the same to the both of us.  We had been walking for half the day trying to find our way back to where we came from.  All I could think about were my toddlers back home.  They thought that there mother was safely on a safari trip for her 35th birthday with her best friend.  They were my motivation to make it back alive.

The sun was blazingly hot and it beat down on our backs as we walked.  We had very little water left and no food.  The sun was high in the sky when suddenly we were consumed in shadows. We both new it was an animal right away.  We locked eyes and silently turned around in unison.  When we saw the beast, well it wasn’t a beast at all it was a giant elephant.  It was crazy to think that this massive animal could sneak up on us like that.  Slowly I extended my hand and touched its trunk.  It grabbed my hand with its trunk and gently tugged me forward.  I looked at Nisha and she was grinning.

 I let the elephant guide me for a while with Nisha close behind.  As we walked I wondered if we were just getting further and further away form civilization and further away from ever getting back to my children.  But this was our best bet and it was better than nothing.  I started to see a speck in the distance and as we got closer and closer the true shape of it started to become clear.  It was the place where we came from!  I was so over come with joy I sunk to my knees and started to cry.  All I could think about was my children.  I just wanted to see them, to hug them and never let them go. 

Nisha walked up to the house and went inside while I waited outside with the elephant.  Within 30 seconds Nisha emerged from the building along with the safari director.  He couldn’t believe that the elephant led us back.  He told me that my new friend had to go back to the wild and I agreed but first I wanted a picture. 

Soon we were on a plane back to Vancouver.  One thing I know is that I wouldn’t have been able to do this with out Nisha or the elephant.  Soon I would be home safe with my children but one thing I know is I will never forget this adventure.     


I’m torn.

Yes it did get people talking About Knoy and how he needed to be apprehended but only about 1/3 of the funds raised actually went to the efforts in Uganda. Also a whole lot of the people who bought the “action kit” never actually received it. To me that adds up to a pretty sketchy organization.  I think that yes their campaign was about rising awareness about Kony and the LRA but I think that a little more than 1/3 of their funds raised should go to Uganda.  Also the facts in the 30-minute Kony 2012 video were false for a number of reasons.  Firstly Kony has not been in Uganda for about 6 years.  Secondly the army that he has is in the hundreds at the most, not as many as said in the video.  And thirdly, there is a fairly large advertisement at the end of the video for there merchandise that they push quite heavily.   All in all I think that its very wrong that they are so deceitful in the video but I think that it is a good thing that they are pushing to get Kony taken in to custody.  Personally I think that people need to watch the video, do some research and decide what they think for themselves.    

The question: Collingwood should ban civvies days.

Thesis: Collingwood should continue to allow civvies days because it encourages students to express their personalities through fashion, It makes students less inclined to break the schools uniform policy and the proceeds go to a great charity.

Body 1:firstly having a civvies day allows each individual to express themselves though there choice of clothing.   It is really important for students to express them selves.  It is also really important for students to remember who they are and they can do that throu    
One hot afternoon in late July I was sitting around on the beach at Savary Island with my brother Oliver, my friends Sophie, Olivia, James and the other James.   We were all board and we needed something to do.  Suddenly Oliver had an idea.  It was a brilliantly, stupid idea so naturally we had to do it.  We were going to jump a bike off the dock.  It was low tide and the jump to the water was about 30 feet.  Perfect.  We strapped pool noodles to the frame of a little bike that we hulled out of the James’ shed and secured them on with zap straps.  As soon as the bike was ready to jump off we rode it to the dock and got down to our bathing suits.  Oliver, being the dare devil that he is volunteered to jump it first.  We put on the portable stereo that we always brought when we jumped off the dock on and put on MGMT “electric feel” as Oliver made his approach to the end of the Warf.  We all cheered and videotaped the epic jumped that we had worked all day at preparing.  All our hard work had finally paid off and it was amazing… until my mom saw the video.           


The song that I connected the sniper to is “where is the love” by the Black Eyed Peas.  I chose it because of the lyrics.  They go “people killing people dying, children hurting you hear them crying. People practice what you preach or are you going to turn the other cheek.” 

To me this song explains that war is bad and that it hurts everyone and not just the soldiers.  It hurts the families of the soldiers; the people in the midst of all the fighting and of course the soldiers themselves.  In my opinion, this song describes the way that human relationships get distorted by war wonderfully.  It explains that by getting children to kill one another and making people kill each other in general is terrible and needs to stop, that is is sick that humans can do that to one another.  The lyrics explain this so well and that is why I chose it as my example.


I chose to make the connection between the Knoy 2012 video and the sniper because I think that what they explain in the video is a prime example of war distorting human relationships. Using kids as soldiers, getting them to kill one another and making them think that it is ok to do so.  Personally I could not imagine watching my brother get killed.  Yet that is what some of the kids in the video have gone through.  So that is why I chose this video.  the video is below.

Does War distort human relationships? Yes I do think that war distorts human relationships.  As I said in my pervious articles I think that human killing other humans is totally twisted.  Even more so when it is like in the Kony video.   When People that were possibly friends killing each other or a brother watching his brother, sister or anyone they know getting brutally murdered.  I don’t think that you could ever recover from that.  I don’t think that you would ever be the same after witnessing something like that.  I also stated that it affects everyone and not just the soldiers. 

 In the sniper when he is in the firefight with the enemy soldier he doesn’t know that he is shooting on his brother.  This is the kind of thing that I’m taking about.  How is that right that a war can make a brother fire on his family even if he didn’t know it.  So to conclude yes I think that war distorts human relations ships hugely.